Saturday 20 August 2011

Understanding Male Breast Cancer

You may find it interesting to learn that men have a very small amount of nonfunctioning breast tissue. Even though this breast tissue does not of course ever produce milk, or serve any purpose, they are susceptible to a mutation of the cells that can lead to male breast cancer.

These tissues are concentrated in the region specifically behind the nipple that is present on the chest. Similar to breast cancer in women, male breast cancer occurs due to the unrestrained increase in the cells of the breast tissue.

There are tubular structures or ducts in the breast tissue of both boys as well as girls. During the time of puberty, ovaries present in girls generate female hormones called estrogen. The estrogen causes the ducts to expand and lobules, which are the milk glands, are developed at the ends of these ducts. The amount of fat as well as connective tissue inside the breast also enlarges as the girl attains puberty.

But at the same time, male hormones like testosterone, which are produced by the testes, prohibit the development of the breast tissue as well as the growth of lobules. The male breast, as a result, has very small under developed ducts and a minute quantity of fat along with connective tissues.

Male breast cancer is a very rare disease which accounts for, just about 1% of all types of breast cancers put together. Comparatively speaking, breast cancer is one hundred times more widespread in women as compared to men. The majority of cases for male breast cancer are found in men who are between the ages of 55 and 70, even though the cancer may arise in men of any age. A man's danger of getting breast cancer is just one-tenth of 1%, or you can say one in 1,000.

The reason why men may develop male breast cancer is greatly in question. But researchers show that both environmental influences as well as genetic or inherited aspects are likely to contribute to a part in its growth.

There has been some research that shows people who have been exposed to ionizing waves are at a much higher level of risk for developing cancer of the breast. People who have in the past undergone therapy using radiation in order to take care of malignancies found in the chest area like Hodgkin's lymphoma are at a risk for the growth of breast cancer. Lymphoma is a kind of cancer that involves the cells related to the immune system which are called lymphocytes.

If any breast cancer symptoms are detected, then call the doctor and make an appointment as soon as possible.

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