Thursday 25 August 2011

Looking at Leukemia and the Treatment Options

Lymphoma is a cancer of the lymphatic system. The lymph nodes are found in various places around the body. There are multiple areas of the lymphatic system that can become cancerous. The area of the lymphatic system that is primarily affected will determine to a great extent, both the treatment and survival rate are determined by where in the body the cancerous cells are located and if they will be able to spread to other areas of the body. 

The lymphatic system is made up of lymph nodes, lymphocyte cells, bone marrow of the thymus and long bones, the spleen, tonsils and adenoids as well as the lymph. 

Other cancers can also start within the lymph nodes such as breast cancer. However breast cancer symptoms are not the same as lymphoma blood cancers. 

Lymphoma is the most common of blood cancers and it affects over 50% of the patients with blood cancer. Because lymphoma and leukemia are both blood cancers, many people think they are one in the same disease. They are not. 

Hodgkin’s lymphoma is named after Thomas Hodgkin. Mr. Hodgkin discovered this disease in 1832. There are two types of lymphoma named after Thomas Hodgkin. Hodgkin’s and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

Lymphoma starts when the white blood cells, called lymphocytes, start multiplying as a result of malignant changes within the lymph nodes and other areas in the body. As they start to increase in number, they push out the healthy cells. This is what leads to the formation of tumors in the lymph nodes. Other areas affected can be the spleen and thymus and so forth. 

It is not only within the lymph nodes that the lymphoma can start. It can also begin within the lymphatic tissues located in the intestines and or stomach. When the bone marrow is affected lymphoma can spread throughout many other areas of the body. In the United States, statistically lymphoma in men is the sixth most common cancer and it affects women almost as much. For women it is the fifth most common cancer. 

There are two major types of Leukemia: myelogenous and lymphocytic. There are acute and chronic forms of each of these types. Although a great deal of information can be found both on-line and offline about lymphoma, it is always best to seek out medical care if you have any suspicious symptoms. Sadly, there are many different types of cancers. There are several types that affect the blood. Blood cancers that in the bone marrow are not to be confused with bone cancer. 

If you have been diagnosed with lymphoma or any other type of cancer, you should discuss treatment options, care, and ways in which you can gain emotional support as well.

Saturday 20 August 2011

Understanding Male Breast Cancer

You may find it interesting to learn that men have a very small amount of nonfunctioning breast tissue. Even though this breast tissue does not of course ever produce milk, or serve any purpose, they are susceptible to a mutation of the cells that can lead to male breast cancer.

These tissues are concentrated in the region specifically behind the nipple that is present on the chest. Similar to breast cancer in women, male breast cancer occurs due to the unrestrained increase in the cells of the breast tissue.

There are tubular structures or ducts in the breast tissue of both boys as well as girls. During the time of puberty, ovaries present in girls generate female hormones called estrogen. The estrogen causes the ducts to expand and lobules, which are the milk glands, are developed at the ends of these ducts. The amount of fat as well as connective tissue inside the breast also enlarges as the girl attains puberty.

But at the same time, male hormones like testosterone, which are produced by the testes, prohibit the development of the breast tissue as well as the growth of lobules. The male breast, as a result, has very small under developed ducts and a minute quantity of fat along with connective tissues.

Male breast cancer is a very rare disease which accounts for, just about 1% of all types of breast cancers put together. Comparatively speaking, breast cancer is one hundred times more widespread in women as compared to men. The majority of cases for male breast cancer are found in men who are between the ages of 55 and 70, even though the cancer may arise in men of any age. A man's danger of getting breast cancer is just one-tenth of 1%, or you can say one in 1,000.

The reason why men may develop male breast cancer is greatly in question. But researchers show that both environmental influences as well as genetic or inherited aspects are likely to contribute to a part in its growth.

There has been some research that shows people who have been exposed to ionizing waves are at a much higher level of risk for developing cancer of the breast. People who have in the past undergone therapy using radiation in order to take care of malignancies found in the chest area like Hodgkin's lymphoma are at a risk for the growth of breast cancer. Lymphoma is a kind of cancer that involves the cells related to the immune system which are called lymphocytes.

If any breast cancer symptoms are detected, then call the doctor and make an appointment as soon as possible.

Friday 19 August 2011

Probiotics are an Essential Part of a Healthy Lifestyle

The first thing you may be wondering is what exactly are probiotics?. Inside your intestinal tract are trillions of microorganisms. They are highly beneficial flora with an astounding job. It would be an understatement to say that, these microscopic bacteria are the heroes of our bodies. These little heroes fight off the evil microorganisms.

Recently a new supplement called Protandim has been getting a lot of attention. It is one amazing natural supplement that rids our bodies of free radicals. In addition to probiotics this is another good product to look into.

In order to be classified as probiotics they must be able to destroy, damage, and basically turn the disease-causing pathogenic bacteria into harmless bacteria. We truly need to understand their needs so that they can keep up with the possible overgrowth of bad bacteria growing inside our body.

This is certainly not a smooth-sailing venture keeping our friendly bacteria healthy and multiplying faster than the bad bacteria. In todays world full of fast food, genetically altered and highly processed foods as well as the nutritionally exhausted soil that our fruits and vegetables are grown in, it's becoming quite burdonsome for our bodies to maintain an environment that helps our bad bacterial fighting buddies grow faster than those nasty ones.

Is it worth it to spend the time to learn exactly what we need to do to in order to keep our friendly probiotic bacteria healthy? First, let's consider some of the jobs that they can perform when they are flourishing inside us.

Healthy bacteria will filter out and eliminate damaging substances like those bad bacteria. They help to flush out toxins and chemicals. Some of which are caused by those naughty microorganisums. They also help eliminate other waste products and prevent these same products from being absorbed into our blood stream where they can reek even more deadly damage on our other vital organs.

In addition to those things, a healthy intestinal tract, complements of our healthy flora, will absorb and distribute essential ingredients, that are sent down into our intestines via food and water. All these things are absorbed and then distributed into our cells that need them.

Right now, there are human studies being conducted for the purpose of learning if these microorganisums can help in the prevention of cancer. Imagine the difference it would make when something like breast cancer symptoms could be handled with probiotic treatments instead of radiation or chemotherapy.

Now that you're interest is piqued. You may be happy to know that adding probiotics into your body can be as simple as buying yogurt that contains active live cultures. You may even have heard about Lactobacillus bulgaricus. This is one of the many wonderful probiotic bacteria that make up the healthy flora and fauna inside our intestinal tract. And there are several varieties found in many of todays yogurt brands.

Another way to aid our intestinal tract is by way of exercise. Even something like the gentle stretching as in the Supreme Pilate's type movements will benefit our digestive tract in flushing out toxins and waste and this of course aids in and lessons the burdens placed on the beneficial microorganisms whos job is to also get rid of toxic waste build up.

Knowing all this, isn't it time to learn more probiotics so that you can help them flourish inside your body to keep you running at optimum health? You can also keep coming back here to learn more about the wonderful benefits of probiotics.

Friday 12 August 2011

Warning Symptoms Women Need to Know About

Breast cancer symptoms vary, and may not be the same from person to person. You may experience some, or even none or all of the common symptoms. This is why it's important to get checked out by a doctor promptly if you suspect you may be experiencing breast cancer symptoms, or have any questions about your breast cancer symptoms.

Breast cancer symptoms can include a bloody or clear discharge from the nipple, as well as a change in the nipple shape. Dimpling or indentations are common deformities that some women with breast cancer experience. Palpable lumps are other alarming symptoms that could mean breast cancer is present.

Breast cancer symptoms can be confused with the natural state of the breast at certain points in a woman's menstrual cycle. For example, a woman may have swollen and sore breasts during her cycle due to normal hormone fluctuations. This is not necessarily a symptom of breast cancer. If you have not experienced this type of symptom and are worried, schedule an examination with your doctor.

A lump on the breast is the best-known symptom of breast cancer. Many of these lumps really are earily signs of cancer, and need to be checked as quickly as possible. The lump is more likely to be dangerous if it somehwat firm, but not painful. Cysts and other non-cancerous ailments lead to painful lumps. While these lumps may appear anywhere on the breast, they are most frequent beneath the nipple and near the armpit at the breast's outer fringes.

When diagnosed, understanding the type of breast cancer you have is essential to determining your treatment options.Breast cancer classification is determined by cellular type by means of a tissue sample, which is a simple biopsy, as well as the location of the cancer.

This cancer is considered early-stage breast cancer-some doctors will refer to it as a "pre-cancerous" condition. It will often appear on a mammogram as small, white specks of calcium-it is important to realize that most calcification are not cancer. If it is left untreated it can in time develop into invasive breast cancer.

Once breast cancer has advanced, the symptoms can include pain in the chest or breast bone, ulcerations or sores on the skin, swelling and soreness of the arm on the side of the breast cancer, weight loss, and loss of appetite.

Once the cancer has progressed to these stages, it becomes harder to treat. The best diagnosis and breast cancer information will come from your doctor, so it's important to discuss any new or unusual symptoms as they're discovered.

Some health tips for lowering your risk for any cancer is drinking healthy water, eating organic foods and exercising daily.

There may be weight loss and a loss of appetite as well. As breast cancer moves into these stages, treatment becomes more and more difficult. The finest diagnosis and breast cancer information is going to be what your doctor tells you. Consequently, be sure to talk over anything which may seem different about your health and discuss your current breast cancer symptoms with your doctor just as soon as you become aware of them.

Friday 5 August 2011

Drinking High pH Water

You may have thought about how bad drinking tap water is for your body. So many chemicals and other garbage in it that we almost always think that bottled water is the better choice.

Well, the fact is most bottled water is actually tap water. And water that is not bottled tap water is still acidic, whereas tap water is at least 7.0 pH. I think it's interesting that the water companies understand the importance of non acidic water but compainies that produce bottled water have no concern about how acidic drinking water is unhealthy.

The best type of water comes from water ionizers. Enagic makes a really good machine that produces great ionized water that has a pH value of between 8.5 and 9.5.

It's also important to change what we eat and see that we get plenty of exercise daily.