Tuesday 26 July 2011

How pH Water Can Improve Your Health

You've probably heard about how a body that is close to pH 7.0 will fair better than one that is on the acidic side. Most people actually have an acidic body. This is due to eating far too many unhealthy animal proteins and processed foods.

The worst things you can do in your diet is drink soda and soda like drinks. You may not be aware of this but even bottled water is acidic. Unless you find those that are pH enhanced. There are a few, Fugi I think is one of them. The other way to acquire high alkaline pH water is by buying a machine that produces it from tap water. Water ionizers can be purchased online, but there are so many of them it's hard to know which one is the best buy.

I personally did a lot of research on this subject and found that Enagic's brand was the best and most reliable.There are a lot of "claims" about who's the best, and the competitors actually say things that are so far from the truth it's almost comical, yet people do believe them.

My friend tried one of the other most talked about brands online but after a week she called to return it. It simply did not benefit her health like the Kangen water machine did. I had brought her my machine to use for two weeks so she was able to compare her results.

If you want to learn more about alkaline water machines, visit, VeryHealthyWater.org. It is not my website, but it is an approved site by Enagic so I feel confident in sharing it with you.

Due to the FDA I cannot share with you the exact health benefits I personally experienced from drinking Kangen water, but I can say that I did benefit greatly. There are books that talk about the health benefits from bringing your body out of an acidic state into a pH balanced one. I would recommend starting there. 

One of my favorite TV shows is the Dr. Oz show. You can also visit his site and learn more about improving your health by what you eat and drink. He is truly a great man and it is well worth it to watch his show as often as you can. I record it and watch it when I have time.

I also believe that watching healthy programs and avoiding stressful TV programs is vital to good mental health. Especially important when you are experiencing any type of anxiety.

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